Thursday, February 21, 2008

So where have I been?

This little girl is the reason there have not been any posts since last week. Clare Bernadette was born on February 18th at 6:52 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces, and she was 20 inches long.

This is what my students did on while I was gone:
Watched the Passion of the Christ to prepare for that section of the class.

Religious Studies
Watched The Nativity Story, and will write a paper comparing the movie and the nativity account in the Gospels. (Paper requirements)

Oral Communications
Class A: Speech preparation in the computer lab. Speeches begin on Monday.
Class B: Speech preparation in the computer lab. All speeches will be on Monday.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

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