Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/29

Discussed the relationship between faith and works. (Handout)

I apologize for last night's reading list mistake. #30 should have said to read Matthew 21 not Matthew 28.

Read #31 on reading list for next class. A quiz is always possible.

Religious Studies
Class A: Finished discussing Original Sin and its effects. (Handout)

Class B: Discussed the definition of and requirements for sin. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Speech preparation in the computer lab for the final speech.
Class A: Speeches begin Thursday.
Class B: All speeches Friday.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from soyouwanna.com)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/28

Discussed Faith according to the Letter to the Hebrews. (Handout)
Read #30 on reading list for next class. A quiz is always possible.

Religious Studies
Discussed Original Sin and its effects. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Began preparation in the computer lab for the final speech.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from soyouwanna.com)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/25

Oral Communications
Reviewed the speech requirements.
Next week we will be in the computer lab preparing speeches.

Class A: Speeches begin Thursday.

Class B: Speeches begin Friday.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/24


Religious Studies
Continued discussing death, judgment, Heaven and Hell. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Finished discussion of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/23

Reviewed for test.
Test tomorrow.
Notes due tomorrow.

Religious Studies
Began discussing death, judgment, Heaven and Hell.

Oral Communications
Class A: Used classtime to read and write reflections for How to Win Friends and Influence People sections 4.5 & 4.6. Due tomorrow.

Class B: Discussed yesterday's sections of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

For tomorrow read sections 4.6 & 4.7.

Daily Summary - 4/22

Discussed Love and Manhood as St. Paul describes it. (Handout)

Tomorrow we will review for a test. Bring your notes. Test Thursday.

Religious Studies
Class A: Wrote petitions for mass this week.

Class B: Discussed balance in the life of a Subiaco student.

Oral Communications
Discussed yesterday's sections of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Class A: For next class read and write reflections for How to Win Friends and Influence People sections 4.2-4.4.

Class B: For next class read and write reflections for How to Win Friends and Influence People sections 4.5 & 4.8.

Daily Summary - 4/21

Discussed the Council of Jerusalem. (Handout)

Read #28 on reading list for next class. A quiz is always possible.

Religious Studies
Class A: With half of our class gone for either track or baseball, and me needing to go to baseball, the remaining 5 students went to the baseball field to watch the game.

Class B: Wrote petitions for mass this week.

Oral Communications
I was gone to a funeral during Oral Communications today.

In class students worked on sections 4.2-4.4 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why do Catholics do that?

In my very first post I offered to answer any questions anyone has about Catholicism. I also placed a link to this post at the very top of the sidebar to the left and placed a question box in my classroom. I have added a few answers to that post that have already been added to the bulletin board in my classroom. Check out the new questions, and, if you have never looked at them, check out the old ones too.

The latest questions added:
Why do Catholics make the Sign of the Cross?
What is the meaning of the clothes the priest wears at mass?
Why is the Holy Spirit a dove? Why can't he be something else?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/18

Oral Communications
Discussed section 3.12 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

For next class read and write reflections for 4.1 and 4.9 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Apostolic Journey to the United States of America

Pope Benedict XVI began his U.S. visit yesterday. Below are links to some of the speeches that have been given. They are worth your time.

Also there was an interview a few days ago with President Bush that had a great segment I would like to share also:

Q Mr. President, final question.

Q You said, famously, when you looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes you saw his soul.

Q When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes what do you see?

Q Good way to end the interview.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, sir.

Pope Benedict's schedule and speeches. (Some of these have not yet been given, and some have not yet been translated. They will soon, so check it more than once.)

President Bush's welcome address. This speech was very good.

Daily Summary - 4/17

Discussed the conversion of St. Paul. (Handout)

Read #27 on reading list for next class. A quiz is always possible.

Religious Studies
Discussed the current papal visit to the U.S. and watched videos of the events.

Oral Communications
With the seniors gone on retreat so many of the students were gone from these classes that the remaining students were given a study period.

For next class read 3.12 of How to Win Friends and Influence People and correct your mistakes on the assignments for 3.10 and 3.11.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/16

Discussed the story of Philip and the Ethiopian. (Handout)

Read #26 on reading list for tomorrow. A quiz is always possible.

Chapter 23 review on page 428 is due tomorrow.

Religious Studies
Reflection on Mary.

Chapter 5 review on page 76 is due Tomorrow.

Oral Communications
Discussed section 3.11 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

For next class read 3.12 of How to Win Friends and Influence People and correct your mistakes on the assignments for 3.10 and 3.11.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/15

We ran a shortened schedule today and had a college planning seminar in the afternoon.

Finished our discussion of Pentecost. (Handout)

Read #25 on reading list for tomorrow. A quiz is always possible.

Chapter 23 review on page 428 is due Thursday, April 17.

Religious Studies
Turned in notes.

Chapter 5 review on page 76 is due Thursday, April 17.

Oral Communications
Discussed section 3.10 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Read and write reflections for section 3.11 of How to Win Friends and Influence People for next class.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/14

Discussed Pentecost. (Handout)

Read #24 on reading list for tomorrow. A quiz is always possible.

Chapter 23 review on page 428 is due Thursday, April 17.

Religious Studies
Reviewed for test tomorrow.
Notes due tomorrow.

Chapter 5 review on page 76 is due Thursday, April 17.

Oral Communications
Discussed sections 3.8 & 3.9 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Read section 3.10 of How to Win Friends and Influence People for next class. Students do need to write the reflection answers tomorrow.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bishop Taylor's Press Conference

One segment of Bishop Taylor's address particularly stood out to me:

"...being a faithful Christian requires more than just saying prayers, obeying the Commandments and trying to get your own soul into heaven. If you're only interested in your own spiritual welfare in the next life, you don't really believe in the redemptive power of the cross of Jesus Christ."

He makes it very clear, in his first words as Bishop-elect of Little Rock, that he is a bishop not for his own welfare, but for the souls of all of us, the sheep of his flock. This is exactly the duty of a bishop, and he has embraced it already.

Audio of the press conference. (26 minutes)
Bishop Taylor's statementArchbishop Eusebius J. Beltran's statement. Archibishop Beltran is the Archibishop of Oklahoma City, the home diocese of Bishop Taylor and the Archdiocese to which Little Rock belongs.
Msgr. Gaston Hebert's, administrator of the Diocese of Little Rock, statement.

Daily Summary - 4/11

Oral Communications
Discussed sections 3.6 & 3. of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Read #11 on the Dale Carnegie reading list (#12 on old list) for next class. Students do not have to write answers.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

We have a bishop!!!

Subiaco's diocese, the Diocese of Little Rock has been without a bishop longer than any other diocese in the United States. That ends today! Although, he is not technically a bishop until his upcoming ordination and installation, Father Anthony B. Taylor has been named as the seventh bishop of Little Rock by Pope Benedict XVI.

There will be plenty to read and learn about bishop-elect Taylor over the next few days, but for now, here is a start:
Statement from the diocese
Bishop-elect Taylor's biography

Daily Summary - 4/10

Discussed the Great Commission. (Handout)

Read #24 on reading list for tomorrow. A quiz is always possible.

Chapter 23 review on page 428 is due Thursday, April 17.

Religious Studies
Discussed the Perpetual Virginity of Mary and her Assumption. (Handout)

Chapter 5 review on page 76 is due Thursday, April 17.

Oral Communications
Discussed sections 3.4 & 3.5 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Read #11 on the Dale Carnegie reading list for next class.

The list has been changed. The assignment to read for tomorrow has been removed from the reading list, and so is no longer #11. For tomorrow please read 3.6 & 3.7. Students still do not have to write answers.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/9

Discussed the Ascension of Christ. (Handout)

Read #24 on reading list for tomorrow. A quiz is always possible.

Chapter 23 review on page 428 is due Thursday, April 17.

Religious Studies
Abbot Jerome and Fr. Hugh spoke about Our Lady of Einsiedeln.

Chapter 5 review on page 76 is due Thursday, April 17.

Oral Communications
Discussed section 3.3 of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Read #10 on the Dale Carnegie reading list for next class. Students do not have to write answers.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/8

Discussed the forgiveness of Christ by comparing Peter and Judas. (Handout)

Read #23 on reading list for tomorrow. A quiz is always possible.

Chapter 23 review on page 428 is due Thursday, April 17.

Religious Studies
Discussed Mary as the Theotokos. (Handout)

Chapter 5 review on page 76 is due Thursday, April 17.

Oral Communications
Read #9 on the Dale Carnegie reading list for next class. Students do not have to write answers.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/7

Discussed the prophecies that prepared us for the Resurrection. (Handout)

Religious Studies
Class A: Discussed The Immaculate Conception. (Handout)

Class B: Continued Footprints of God video.

Oral Communications
Took quiz on the names of first year students.

Read #8 on the Dale Carnegie reading list for next class. Students do not have to write answers.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/4

Oral Com
Class A: Finished third round of speeches.
Class B: Finished third round of speeches.

Quiz on the names of all new students will be on Monday. The study sheets, with all the names labeled, are also due Monday.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Internet Explorer Problems

I have recently been informed, and have noticed myself, that this blog is causing Internet Explorer to freeze. I have had this happen on several different computers, but have had no trouble with Firefox. If you use Explorer and have been having this problem, try downloading and using Firefox. It is free to download and works great. I don't know what is causing the problem. I will try to contact Blogger about it.


I have posted this problem on Blogger's support page. You can follow the action, if there is any.

Hopefully the solution they gave me will help. We shall see.

Daily Summary - 4/3

Continued discussion of the Resurrection of Christ. (Finished Tuesday's handout)

Religious Studies
Class A: Reviewed Tuesday's lesson.

Class B: Discussed The Immaculate Conception. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Class A: Continued speeches.

Class B: Speech preparation in computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from soyouwanna.com)

Tomorrow's Speeches
Stephen L.
Michael K.
Dylan V.
Lucas B.
Reggie H.
Adam C.
Seung Chul L.
Jung Bum H.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/2

I was gone today for a doctor's appointment.

Worked on chapter review on page 415. Due tomorrow.

Religious Studies
Watched Footprints of God: Mary video. Students took notes on the video.

Oral Communications
Class A: Continued speeches.

Class B: Speech preparation in computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from soyouwanna.com)

Tomorrow's Speeches
Jay L.
Jin L.
Jason Y.
Marcus T.
Daniel H.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Daily Summary - 4/1

Discussed the Resurrection of Christ. (Handout)

Religious Studies
Discussed Mary as a model for our faith. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Class A: Began speeches.

Class B: One speech was given. The last half of class was in the computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from soyouwanna.com)

Tomorrow's Speeches
Chris T.
Lucas B.
Josh D.
Jackson W.