Monday, March 31, 2008

Daily Summary - 3/31

Discussed the Eucharistic aspects of the story of the Road to Emmaus. (Handout)

Religious Studies
As we begin our unit on Mary, Br. Francis talked to the class about his personal Marian devotion.

Oral Communications
Continued speech preparation in the computer lab.
PowerPoint presentations are required for this speech.

Class B: Our schedule has been rearranged. All of the speeches will be on Friday, April 5. This has changed again. Some speeches will be tomorrow and some will be Friday. Those speaking tomorrow are listed below.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Tomorrow's Speeches
Dominic M.
Ethan R.
Harrison K.
Charles S.
Nick P.
Reggie H.
Jace K.

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