Thursday, October 30, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/30

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the 10 Commandments. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #30 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Beatitudes in the public life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Beatitudes in the public life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

Oral Communications

Section A: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Presented speeches.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Ernie D.
Scott M.
Woo Hoon C.

Section C: Finished presenting speeches.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/29

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the beginning of the Exodus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #29 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.
• Quiz over the plagues tomorrow.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Beatitudes in the public life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Beatitudes in the public life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

Oral Communications

Section A: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin tomorrow.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Kevin L.
Kenny E.
Hobin L.

Section C: Presented speeches.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Josh G.
Taylor J.
Johnathan R.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/28

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Plagues. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #27 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.
• Quiz over the plagues on Thursday.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the public life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
Reflection assignment on the Beatitudes. Due tomorrow.
• Quiz Friday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the public life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
Reflection assignment on the Beatitudes. Due tomorrow.
• Quiz Thursday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

Oral Communications

Section A: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Thursday.

Section C: Presented speeches.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Josh G.
Brian D.
Jay K.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Monday, October 27, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/27

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the call of Moses. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #27 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the early life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read pg. 38 in textbook. Quiz tomorrow.
• Quiz Friday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the early life of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

Oral Communications

Section A: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Thursday.

Section C: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Monday. Presented speeches.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Clinton S.
Nathan F.
Allen F.
Elliott T.
Peter H.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Daily Summary - 10/24

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Took Quiz.
Discussed the birth of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Joyful and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

Oral Communications

Section A: Reviewed parts of the speeches.

Section C: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Monday.

Monday Speeches
Brendan D.
Baro J.
Joon Ho K.
Ben C.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/23

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Spent the class period answering students' questions. Most of the questions were about right to life issues and respect for human dignity.
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #26 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the birth of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Finished discussing the birth of Jesus. (Handout)
Began discussing the mysteries of the rosary.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

Section A: Returned student speech grades. Study period.

Section C: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Monday.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/22

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Began Exodus and the Israelite stand against Egyptian oppression. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #26 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the birth of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

Section A: Presented speeches.

Section C: Prepared speeches in computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/21

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed Joseph and his brothers. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #25 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

Section A: Presented speeches.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Kevin L.
Woo Hoon C.
Scott M.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Section C: Discussed using PowerPoint for informative speeches.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/20

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed Jacob as a Patriarch. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #24 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.
• Page 125, 1-15 due Tomorrow, October, 21.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

Section A: Prepared speeches in computer lab.

Tomorrow's Speeches
Ernie D.
Kenny E.
Hobin L.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Section C: Discussed Carnegie sections 2.4, 2.5, 3.6.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz on the names of new students will be Thursday, October 30th.
• Speech round #3 will begin Monday, October 27th.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/17

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Took quiz. Answered student questions.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50.

Oral Communications

Section A: Prepared speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Tuesday.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Section C: Discussed Carnegie section 2.3.
Current Assignments:
• Read #7 on reading list.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/14

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed Jacob and Esau. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #23 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.
• Page 125, 1-15 due Tuesday, October, 21.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the reason for the Incarnation.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 31-40.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday (10/23): Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Section A: Began preparing speeches in computer lab. Speeches begin Monday.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Section C: Discussed Carnegie sections 2.1 & 2.6.
Current Assignments:
• Read #5 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/13

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed Isaac as a Patriarch. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #21 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.
• Page 125, 1-15 due Tuesday, October, 21.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the reason for the Incarnation.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 31-40.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus in Salvation History. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Section A: Discussed the proper use of PowerPoint for informative speeches.
Current Assignments:
• Speech round 3 begins Monday
PowerPoint required for this speech
• Speech outline due the day of the speech

Section C: Discussed Carnegie sections 2.1 & 2.6.
Current Assignments:
• Read #5 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/10

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Finished discussing the Hypostatic Union. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 31-40.

Oral Communications

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Section A: Discussed Carnegie sections 2.4, 2.5, & 3.6.
Current Assignments:
• Learn the names of the first-year students at Subiaco. There will be a quiz on these names next Thursday.
• Read #7 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Section C: Discussed Carnegie section 1.3.
Current Assignments:
• Read #3 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/9

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Today is the last day of the quarter in this class. We discussed quarter grades and an extra credit opportunity.
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #21 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Hypostatic Union. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 31-40 This quiz has been cancelled. Tomorrow students can retake any old quizzes.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Took quiz.
Today is the last day of the quarter in this class. We discussed quarter grades and an extra credit opportunity.
Tomorrow students can retake any old quizzes.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 41-50

Oral Communications

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Section A: Discussed Carnegie section 2.3.
Current Assignments:
Learn the names of the first-year students at Subiaco. There will be a quiz on these names next Thursday.
Read #7 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Section C: Discussed Carnegie section 1.2.
Current Assignments:
Read #3 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/8

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Test today.
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #21 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Answered student questions. Most of today's questions regarded marriage and sexuality.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic glossary terms 31-40

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the need for the Incarnation. (Assignment)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 31-40

Oral Communications

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Section A: Discussed Carnegie section 2.2.
Current Assignments:
Read #6 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Section C: Used class time to read #1 on Carnegie reading list. Discussed Carnegie section 1.1.
Current Assignments:
Read #2 on reading list.
Reflection paper due on Friday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/7

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Finished Discussing the sacrifice of Isaac (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Test tomorrow
• Notes due tomorrow

8th Grade Religious Studies
Began discussing Jesus as the Word of God. (Handout)

9th Grade Religious Studies
Finished discussing the Hypostatic Union. (Handout)

Oral Communications

Reading list for How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Section A: Discussed Carnegie sections 2.2.
Section C: Used class time to read #1 on Carnegie reading list.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Daily Summary - 10/1

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the sacrifice of Isaac (Handout)

8th Grade Religious Studies
Took test.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Hypostatic Union. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Section A: Discussed Carnegie sections 2.1 & 2.6.

Section C: Section A: Began discussing How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Assignment for next class: Read and complete reflection questions for #1 on Carnegie reading list.

Daily Summary - 9/30

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed Sodom and Gomorrah. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• For next class read #20 on the reading list. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Reviewed notes for test tomorrow.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed Jesus as the Word of God. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Section A: Discussed Carnegie section 1.3.
Assignment for next class: Read #4 on Carnegie reading list.

Section C: Study period.