Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/13

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Watched Footprints of God: Jesus video as an overview of Jesus' early life. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #4 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Holy Spirit as Paraclete and Advocate. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Holy Spirit as Paraclete and Advocate. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Section B: Discussed stating credibility at the beginning of a speech and discussed including transitions in a speech. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Create a credibility statement for your first speech topic and Transition sentence worksheet.

Section D: Discussed including transitions in a speech. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
Transition sentence worksheet.

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