Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Daily Summary - 3/4

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Continued discussing the prophecies of the Resurrection. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #21 on reading list for next class. Be ready for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Continued discussing students' reflections on prayer.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz has been moved to Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 81-90.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Had a Marian reflection.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: Catholic glossary terms 81-90.

Oral Communications
Discussed section 2.3 of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Current Assignments:
• Read #7 on Carnegie reading list. Be prepared to reflect on the reading with the class.
• Student are to learn the names of all first-year students at Subiaco. They will have a quiz in a couple weeks.
• Carnegie reflection paper due on Friday.

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