Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/28

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Continued bible based baseball game.
• No quiz this week; Catholic Schools Week.

Oral Communications
Reorganized our speech order again due to more ice. The entire order is below.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Oral Com B

Monday, February 2nd
Tom C.
Reagan R.
Dale M.
Sehwan J.

Tuesday, February 3rd
Minsoo K.
Allen B.
Tae H.

Wednesday, February 4th
Ryan Y.
Brad B.
Fred J.

Oral Com D

Monday, February 2nd
In Young O.
Ji Young A.
Toby F.
Keon W.

Tuesday, February 3rd
Joo O.
Sung Yong C.
Jeremiah G.
Juan Pablo M.

Wednesday, February 4th
Alec H.
Michael M.
Will K.
Josh B.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/27

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Played a bible based baseball game.
• No quiz this week; Catholic Schools Week.

Oral Communications
Reorganized our speech order due to my absence and the ice.

Tomorrow's Speeches:
Josh S.
Tom C.
Minsoo K.
Brad B.
Fred J.

In Young O.
Ji Young A.
Jeremiah G.
Sung Yong C.
Alec H.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Daily Summary - 1/26

I had to take my son to the doctor yesterday and was not at school.

Religion classes worked on a crossword puzzle to celebrate Catholic Schools Week and for bonus points. Oral Communications class continued preparing speeches in the computer lab.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/23

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Took quiz. Answered student questions.
Current Assignments:
• No quiz this week; Catholic Schools Week.

Oral Communications
Continued speech preparation in the computer lab.

Monday's Speeches:
Keon W.
Toby F.
Seung Yong C.
In Young O.

Josh S.
Dale M.
Brad B.
Tom C.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you"
- Jeremiah 1:5

Daily Summary - 1/22

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Temptation of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #8 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Church as One. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Church as One. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Continued speech preparation in the computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Daily Posts

There seems to have been a lot going on this week, so I got a bit behind. I have caught up now.

Daily Summary - 1/21

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Baptism of Jesus. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #7 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Talked about the funeral mass of Br. Tobias, which we attended today.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Church as One. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Began speech preparation in the computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Daily Summary - 1/20

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Took test.
Current Assignments:
• Read #6 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Continued discussing the Church. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Church. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Began speech preparation in the computer lab.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Daily Summary - 1/19

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the visit of the Magi and the Finding in the Temple. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Test tomorrow. Notes due.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Began discussing the Church. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Due to the March for Life this week, we discussed abortion. You can view a PowerPoint presentation and a video we used if you scroll down to Daily Summary - 1/15.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Covered the last few requirements for speeches. We will spend the rest of the week in the computer lab preparing speeches.

Resources and handouts for speech preparation:
Speech evaluation form
Outline sheet
Speech structure checklist
Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech (from

Monday, January 19, 2009

"We Will Consistently Defend the Fundamental Right to Life"

WASHINGTON, D.C., JAN. 18, 2009 ( Here is the text of the message Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of Chicago and president of the U.S. episcopal conference, sent last week to president-elect Barack Obama, who will take office as the president of the United States on Tuesday.

* * *

Dear Mr. President-elect,

As our nation begins a new year, a new Administration and a new Congress, I write to outline principles and priorities that guide the public policy efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). As President of the Bishops' Conference, I assure you of our prayers, hopes and commitment to make this period of national change a time to advance the common goo d and defend the life and dignity of all, especially the vulnerable and poor. We continue to seek ways to work constructively with the new Administration and Congress and others of good will to pursue policies which respect the dignity of all human life and bring greater justice to our nation and peace to our world.

As Bishops, we approach public policy as pastors and teachers. Our moral principles have always guided our everyday experience in caring for the hungry and homeless, offering health care and housing, educating children and reaching out to those in need. We lead the largest community of faith in the United States, one that serves every part of our nation and is present in almost every place on earth. From our experience and our tradition, we offer a distinctive, constructive and principled contribution to the national dialogue on how to act together on issues of economic turmoil and suffering, war and violence, moral decency and human dignity.

Our nation now faces economic challenges with potentially tragic human consequences and serious moral dimensions. We will work with the new Administration and Congress to support strong, prudent and effective measures to address the terrible impacts and injustices of the economic crisis. In particular, we will advocate a clear priority for poor families and vulnerable workers in the development and implementation of economic recovery measures, including new investments while strengthening the national safety net. We also support greater accountability and oversight to address irresponsible abuses of the system that contributed to the financial crisis.

The Catholic Bishops of the United States have worked for decades to assure health care for all, insisting that access to decent health care is a basic human right and a requirement of human dignity. We urge comprehensive action to ensure truly universal health care coverage which protects all human life including pre-natal life , and provides access for all, with a special concern for the poor. Any such legislation ought to respect freedom to choose by offering a variety of options and ensuring respect for the moral and religious convictions of patients and providers. Such an approach should seek to restrain costs while sharing them equitably.

On international affairs, we will work with our leaders to seek a responsible transition in an Iraq free of religious persecution. We especially urge early, focused and persistent leadership to bring an end to violent conflict and a just peace in the Holy Land. We will continue to support essential U.S. investments to overcome poverty, hunger and disease through increased and reformed foreign assistance. Continued U.S. leadership in the fight against HIV-AIDS and other diseases in ways that are both effectively and morally appropriate have our enthusiastic backing. Recognizing the complexity of climate change, we wish to be a voice for the poor and vulnerable in our country and around the world who will be the most adversely affected by any dramatic threats to the environment.

We will work with the new Administration and Congress to fix a broken immigration system which harms both our nation and immigrants. Comprehensive reform is needed to deal with the economic and human realities of millions of immigrants in our midst. It must be based on respect for and implementation of the law. Equally it must defend the rights and dignity of all peoples, recognizing that human dignity comes from God and does not depend on where people were born or how they came to our nation. Truly comprehensive immigration reform will include a path to earned citizenship with attention to the fact that international trade and development policies influence economic opportunities in the countries from which immigrants come.

We stand firm in our support for marriage which is a faithful, exclusive, lifelong union of a man and a woman and mu st remain such in law. In a manner unlike any other relationship, marriage makes a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the common good of society, especially through the procreation and education of children. No other kinds of personal relationships can be justly made equivalent to the commitment of a man and a woman in marriage.

With regard to the education of children, we will continue to support initiatives which provide resources for all parents, especially those of modest means, to choose education which best address the needs of their children.

We welcome continuing commitments to empower faith-based groups as effective partners in overcoming poverty and other threats to human dignity. We will work with the Administration and Congress to strengthen these partnerships in ways that do not encourage government to abandon its responsibilities, and do not require religious groups to abandon their identity and mission.

Most fundamentally, we will work to protect the lives of the most vulnerable and voiceless members of the human family, especially unborn children and those who are disabled or terminally ill. We will consistently defend the fundamental right to life from conception to natural death. Opposed to abortion as the direct killing of innocent human life, we will encourage one and all to seek common ground that will reduce the number of abortions in morally sound ways that affirm the dignity of pregnant women and their unborn children. We will oppose legislative and other measures to expand abortion. We will work to retain essential, widely supported policies which show respect for unborn life, protect the conscience rights of health care providers and other Americans, and prevent government funding and promotion of abortion. The Hyde amendment and other provisions which for many years have prevented federal funding of abortion have a proven record of reducing abortions. Efforts to force Americans to fund abortions with their tax dollars would pose a serious moral challenge and jeopardize the passage of essential health care reform.

This outline of USCCB policies and priorities is not complete. There are many other areas of concern and advocacy for the Church and the USCCB especially: religious freedom and other civil and human rights, news media and communications, and issues of war and peace. For a more detailed description of our concerns please see Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship (USCCB 2008), pages 19-30.

Nonetheless, we offer this outline as an agenda for dialogue and action. We hope to offer a constructive and principled contribution to national discussion over the values and policies that will shape our nation's future. We seek to work together with our nation's leaders to advance the common good of our society, while disagreeing respectfully and civilly where necessary for preserving that same common good.

In closing, I renew our expression of hope and our offer of cooperation as you begin this new period of service to our nation in these challenging times. We promise our prayers for you, that the days ahead will be a time of renewal and progress for our nation and that we can work together to defend human life and dignity and build a nation of greater justice and a world at peace.

Sincerely yours,

Francis Cardinal George, OMI
Archbishop of Chicago
USCCB President

The Pope on YouTube

I came across this this morning. I will keep updates posted.

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 18, 2009 ( Google, a symbol of the seemingly endless possibilities of the Internet, will team up with the Vatican Television Center and Vatican Radio in a joint venture to give Benedict XVI his own YouTube channel.

According to the Vatican press office, texts and video footage of the Pope's speeches supplied by Vatican radio and television would be posted directly onto the video-sharing Web site.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/15

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

In preparation for the March for Life, we discussed abortion in all of the religion classes. Below are a PowerPoint presentation and a video that we used.

8th Grade Religious Studies
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Discussed the closing and the delivery of speeches.
Current Assignments:
• Write a closing paragraph which includes: a transition to closing, a review statement with the main points underlined, and a memorable closing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/14

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #5 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.
• Chapter review questions on page 337 due tomorrow.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the statements about the Holy Spirit in the Creed. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the statements about the Holy Spirit in the Creed. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Discussed finding and using credible sources for a speech. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Find 5 credible sources for your topic. At least 2 cannot be internet sites.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/13

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Watched Footprints of God: Jesus video as an overview of Jesus' early life. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #4 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Holy Spirit as Paraclete and Advocate. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Holy Spirit as Paraclete and Advocate. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Section B: Discussed stating credibility at the beginning of a speech and discussed including transitions in a speech. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Create a credibility statement for your first speech topic and Transition sentence worksheet.

Section D: Discussed including transitions in a speech. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
Transition sentence worksheet.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/12

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Genealogy of Jesus and the Ark of the Covenant. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #4 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Reflected on the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

9th Grade Religious Studies
Reflected on the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Section B: Discussed gaining attention to start a speech.
Current Assignments:
• Create an attention getter for your first speech topic.

Section D: Discussed stating credibility at the beginning of a speech.
Current Assignments:
• Create a credibility statement for your first speech topic.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/9

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

8th Grade Religious Studies
Took quiz. Discussed why priests do not get married.
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Section B: Particpated in a science project with the physics class.

Section D: Discussed gaining attention to start a speech.
Current Assignments:
• Create an attention getter for your first speech topic.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/8

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Gospel of John. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #3 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz. We got off on our numbering a bit. #3 is the correct reading for Monday.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Friday: Catholic Glossary terms 61-70

9th Grade Religious Studies
Took quiz.
Discussed the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Quiz Thursday: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Oral Communications
Discussed writing a thesis statement for a speech..
Current Assignments:
• Complete thesis and purpose worksheet.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/7

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the Synoptic Gospels. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #3 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Divine Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (Handout)

9th Grade Religious Studies
Discussed the Divine Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Discussed speech topics.
Current Assignments:
• List 10 possible speech topics (5 description, 3 definition, 2 demonstration)


In case you have noticed the crude equation written at the top of the sidebar (to the left) and have been wondering what it means, here is the explanation.

There is a long standing tradition of blessing homes on the feast of the Epiphany (January 6th or the first Sunday after January 1st)). Part of the blessing is inscribing 20+C+M+B+09 (the "+" are crosses, not plus signs) above the doors with chalk. On Monday all of the religion classes at Subiaco blessed their classrooms with this same inscription, although we used masking tape and markers.

The inscription is meant to remind us to search for Christ in our lives this year, just as Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar did at the first Christmas.

Pope Benedict tells us:
“Like the Magi, all believers – young people in particular – have been called to set out on a journey of life in search of truth, justice, and love. The ultimate goal of the journey can only be found through an encounter with Christ.”

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/6

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

Discussed the relationship between the 4 Gospels. (Handout)
Current Assignments:
• Read #2 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Began discussing the Holy Spirit. (Handout)

9th Grade Religious Studies
Began discussing the Holy Spirit. (Handout)

Oral Communications
Students presented introduction speeches.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Daily Summary - 1/5

Today's Mass Readings
Today's Feast Days

All religion classes began with a classroom blessing for Epiphany.

Passed out the reading list for this semester.
Current Assignments:
• Read #1 on reading list for next class. Be prepared for a quiz.

8th Grade Religious Studies
Began discussing the Holy Spirit.

9th Grade Religious Studies
Began discussing the Holy Spirit.

Oral Communications
Discussed class procedures.
Students will present introduction speeches tomorrow.